Saturday, February 9, 2013

OPI Done Out In Deco

I am so sick of this cold, dreary winter weather lately. I'm ready for Spring and I'm certainly portraying that in my manicure today. I have on OPI Done Out in Deco and L.A. Colors Splendid as an accent on my ring finger.

Done Out in Deco is one of my all time favorite (and most used) polishes. I've used up about a third of this bottle (which is a TON for nail polish junkies) It is a creamy lilac color with the slightest bit of grey in it. Gorgeous!

This is my first time using this color by L.A. Colors. It's very sheer and it is most certainly made for putting over other polishes. It's a mid toned purple base with tons of small silver glitter. I thought this was a great, subtle accent for this manicure.

I HIGHLY recommend you pick up Done Out in Deco for the Spring. Pastels are some of my favorites  and I can't wait to rock some more soon!

Are you sick of dark winter polishes yet like I am? What have you been putting on your nails recently?


  1. This is such a pretty colour! I'm sick of winter berries and teals - I've also gone for a nice pale lilac on my nails (models own utopia) x

  2. such a lovely colour, I'm the same now, I got bored of the dark winter nail colours and moved onto the pastels for spring!

    great blog, I have followed and would appreciate it if you could check mine out sometime? :)

